Methodist Church - $75,000 NEEDED!

Bodie’s Methodist Church has been a reminder that not all were lost in the rough and rowdy mining town. In the last several years, the church has started to shift and lean north-west in a more obvious manner. This issue has become the number one priority for the State Parks Cultural Resources and Maintenance departments and they have asked the Bodie Foundation to fund the entire project, as they have no money for such an undertaking.

Our first phase was bringing in a structural engineer to establish a plan. We raised $30,000, and met with Doug Gadow from Linchpin Structural Engineering July 11 this year.

Phase 2 will be construction. State Parks will put the project out to bid, pick a contractor, and start construction Spring 2024. We need to raise and additional $75,000 to fund the work needing to be done to straighten and strengthen the Church.

If you’d like to help by donating to this project, click the link to the right!

Thank you for helping keep Bodie standing!

EMERGENCY: The Methodist Church needs stabilization NOW!

Help us raise $75,000 before it’s too late!